Sittin On A Porch

Sittin On A Porch
Our little back porch

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Okay, so it is not a picnic right now

I am ok, but not feeling the best these days.  And I have no voice, so if you call, and I don;t answer, it is because i have no voice and it hurts to try and talk .Other then that the most difficult thing is eating.  My throat does hurt, but I am relatively free of pain from the cancer on the bone.  The chest is uncomfortable, but not unlike it what i am already used to.  I think the hardest part is that I have reached another point where this isn't fun anymore.  I am tired of being sick.  I am tired of feeling helpless to thinking myself well instantaneously.  I understand all of that, but it does not stop me from having a bad day.  And I am having one.  Then I realize that I have not taken my meds.  I get them and a 20 ounce glass of water and I lay down in my sick room with my 5 pills and slowly one one by one I get them down.  Some I smash and mix in water, others are fairly small and I take my time with my mouth filled with water and wait for the pill to get in the right position and then I carefully swallow as open throated as I can.   It is over in a second if all goes well, so even if it is is a little difficult.

Vicki has straightened up the house and made me soup and mash potatoes for lunch, that was sweet.  I am mostly sleeping, but I am ok.  I am just having a bad day, tears, feeling like everything that i need much come from some one else.  I have no idea how long this will last.  I want some watermelon, but we do not have a car, so no watermelon.  I am thirsty, but nothing tastes good.  Just a whine day.  I am sure that it will pass and in every little garden a rain must fall, I just wish some of that rain would be outside in my garden.

I have slept most of the day, maybe i will go back and sleep some more.  At least I can't hurt anyone that way.


  1. This is in every way so not fair.

  2. I am sorry you are not feeling well today. I know you don't ask for advice, but from a different perspective I can say...don't fight the bad days, save your fight for the good ones!
    Love to you,

  3. This too shall pass. It's like riding a long, slow awful wave, but incrementally you feel better, less sick, less tired and your energy returns. Chemo is so hard. Rest every chance you can, and keep hydrating. Wish you were down the road, I've got cold melon in the fridge.
    Thinking of you.

  4. I am sorry. Hope that tomorrow is a better day.

  5. Wish I could bring you some watermelon this very minute.
