Sittin On A Porch

Sittin On A Porch
Our little back porch

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Magical happy life

My cousin Lori and her husband Gary came by for a quick visit.  Loris is actually my second cousin twice removed.  Her grandmother and my father were first cousins.  Lori's mom is 10 years older then I am, and Lori is 10 years younger then me.  I used to visit my cousin Donna in Cincinnati and thought she was so cool.  And Lori looked up to me.  Then when Lori was old enough to travel on her own she came down and visited us.  We may have very little blood between us, but she is one of my closest friends, and the cousin I have spent the most amount of time with her in my life.  I love her to death, and her husband Gary is just wonderful.  They were only here for one day, but it was heaven getting to look into that beautiful face.  She is so smart and funny and sweet, and I am so lucky to have them in my life.  Gary and Lori are thinking about moving to Florida.  I say "Come on down!!!!"

We had special plans for them on Friday night, the preopening party at the Monticello Tractor Supply Store.  We had received an invitation to the preopening with a $25 gift card.  I am not sure how that happened, but we were there.  And so was so many of the people we know in Monticello.  We wandered around the store looking, while Bug picked out some things he needed.  We ended up in the chicken area and go to talk to the Allen's, the Cichon's and the Golden's. We saw lots of people and it was a great party.  Afterwards we went to the Pizza Kitchen, and saw many of the same people there again.  It was a fun night and Lori and Gary just joined right in.

The rest of the weekend has been working on getting the old Airstream, now Mr. Moon's Airstream, out of our yard, and into he and Ms Moon's.  It was still about half full of who knows what and had no wheels on it, oh, and it had fallen off its blocks and the axles were buried into the ground with weeds taller and thick growing out from under the trailer.  Bug and Glen got the wheels on and finished emptying my stuff into the barn.  I worked madly in the barn going through boxes and separating into boxes, to keep, for Wag the Dog, trash, etc.  and managed to get some order.  I am not trying to organize as much as just get it separated out.  Glen had volunteered to just take it all to the dump.  But there is some good china, and items that could bring money to the animal shelter, and I hate to see good stuff thrown out.  I may not want it, but someone will pay a little for it.  A little here, a little there and it all adds up.  So for the rest of the week I will be trying to get all the stuff I don't want anymore boxed for wag the dog. 

I also spent time working with my plants.  At Wally World in their clearance section I bought a palm, a braided trunk tree hibiscus, and two pots of impatience for 50% off each.  I re potted them and worked in the gardens.  My potatoes are coming up.  Yes, I know I am late, oh well, I might still get some taters.  I had asked Mr. Moon if he had a landscape architect he could recommend and he suggested Dickerson.  I am so excited.  I met the owners with Ms Moon one time at Esposito's and I liked them then.  I am sure they can work with me to give me the garden I want.  So I have been wandering through the yard looking and dreaming.  The blooming cycles are so different now, I don't expect when anything blooms, just thrilled when something does.  I had an African Iris I do not remember planting bloom, my voodoo lily finally bloomed, yet, I have not seen any of the other voodoo bulbs produce a leaf.  I don't know.  But the weather has been perfect.  We have been busy and I have gotten to see Mr and Ms Moon.  I have seen other friends and my dear cousin.  I have had time to till and plant little garden spots, and shush my chickens from scratching in the new turned soil. 

My honey and I are both feeling better.  His stomach bug seems to finally past.  I never "got it" but had a few days of terrible headaches and could not eat for almost a week dropping weight like fall leaves.  I managed to get a handle on my weight at 116, but have not been able to get it heading in the other direction.  Maybe after all the food I forced down today, maybe I will start putting some weight back on.  But when my stomach doesn't feel well, I can not force food into my mouth.  Every part of me rejects it like a 4 year old eating liver.  No.  that is all there is to it.

I am happy and my yard is starting to look like what I see in my mind.  I don't care if I am chopping thorny vines or re potting beloved plants, making new gardens or weeding my veggies.  I am just so happy.  And when I look around and see the potatoes breaking the surface of the garden soil, or see a flower rise out of greenery or the ground itself it is like magic. 

A happy weekend. 
So much accomplished
and so much more to do
but happy, happy, happy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding me to find the good in all things. That may not have been your intention when you wrote this post, but that is what it did for me. So thanks!
